Decadent Chocolate Recovery Smoothie

Say hello to my new favourite smoothie.

Decadent Chocolate Recovery Smoothie |

I've been trying some different combinations out for new smoothie ideas, mainly due to boredom from my same-old. It's delicious but I'm in need of mixing things up for my taste buds sake. Things have also been getting a bit more intense on the workout front. I like to do my cardio 'sans' gym because I prefer to take it outside in the fresh air, especially since it's been warming up. During the week I head to the gym in the evening and lift weights. It's great! It's been six years straight that I've been going since started back up after a few years off due to school and life. My trainer puts together my routines and lately their a little more intense. I definitley feel stronger, but my body is often very stiff and sore.

Decadent Chocolate Recovery Smoothie |

Truth is, this smoothie is decadent tasting but totally vamped with health benefits. It's exactly what I'm looking for after a hard workout of throwing weights around for an hour. Bye bye inflamed muscles. I've also tried this with coconut milk for a real treat. The coconut milk will help replace any electrolytes lost from sweating, so it's a win win situation. For anyone who is allergic to nut milks feel free to replace the almond/coconut milk with regular milk or your own preference.

Decadent Chocolate Recovery Smoothie |

Into the blender goes:

  • Frozen Banana and strawberries: to top up gycogen stores in your muscles and for thickness.
  • Nutmeg: for it's anit-inflammatory properties and it's flavour!
  • Cacao Powder: a rich source of antioxidants
  • Chocolate Protein Powder: to aid in the recovery of muscle and the building of new muscle.
  • Pure Vanilla: for taste of course.
  • Almond or Coconut Milk: to help replenish those lost electrolytes.

This smoothie is so simple but so good! Thick, rich, decadent, and guiltless.

Decadence + Recovery = Satisfaction.

Decadent Chocolate Recovery Smoothie

Decadent Chocolate Recovery Smoothie |

by Jennifer Trennum

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Keywords: blender beverage breakfast lunch smoothie gluten-free grain-free protein soy-free nutmeg strawberries protein powder North Coast Naturals

Ingredients (Serves 1)

  • 1 medium-sized banana (about 7-8" long), frozen
  • 2 -3 strawberries, fresh or frozen
  • 1 cup unsweetended almond milk or coconut milk
  • 1/2 scoop North Coast Naturals Chocolate 100% Iso-Protein
  • 2 tablespoon raw cacao powder, or unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Note: You can use your preferred choice of milk if allergic to nuts/almonds.


Place all ingredients in a blender and blend on high until smooth. Enjoy!

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The hardest part is remembering to freeze bananas the night before.

Bottoms up!

Rise n' Shine Smoothie

This tastes like a milkshake!

rise n' shine smoothie

It has the perfect consistency and thickness, and just the right amount of sweetness from the fruit.

Strawberry Banana SmoothieThe almond butter and chocolate protein powder work really well together in this shake to make it nice and creamy...just like a milkshake.

I love that the protein powder leaves no trace of chalkiness in the smoothie. Some powders are unfortunately like that.

This is the first time I've added matcha green tea powder to a smoothie. You really can't taste it and it adds a very healthy punch to the mix. Green tea in any form is a source of antioxidants, but matcha is one of the most powerful sources of antioxidants, minerals (calcium), and vitamins. There's more antioxidants in matcha green tea than there are in blueberries, it's 100 times more potent than Vitamin C, and has over 9 times the beta carotene of spinach. I really enjoyed using this as a supplement in my smoothie. It gives a whole new meaning to the name green smoothie!

If you're not used to the matcha green tea you may want to start with a 1/4 tsp instead of a 1/2 or more. It has some pretty powerful detoxing qualities.

Matcha Green Tea SmoothieThis really is a simple fast breakfast shake that can be ready in minutes. With lot's of fiber and healthy fats to keep you satisfied and energized. Of course there's nothing wrong with enjoying it for lunch instead.

Rise n' Shine SmoothieI have missed you summer! 

...Now where's the coffee!

Rise n' Shine Smoothie (serves 1) Gluten Free, Vegan

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  • 1/2 large banana, frozen
  • 1/2 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1/2 tsp matcha green tea powder
  • 1/2 scoop chocolate Sunwarrior Protein
  • 2 tbsp almond butter
  • 1 cup almond milk (or milk of your choice)


  1. Place the frozen fruit, green tea, protein powder and almond butter into the blender. Pour the almond milk over everything. 
  2. Blend and enjoy!

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 342 Fat: 21g  Sat Fat:2 g  Carbohydrates: 29g  Sugar: 12g  Sodium: 176mg  Fiber:7g Protein: 15g