Decadent Chocolate Recovery Smoothie

Say hello to my new favourite smoothie.

Decadent Chocolate Recovery Smoothie |

I've been trying some different combinations out for new smoothie ideas, mainly due to boredom from my same-old. It's delicious but I'm in need of mixing things up for my taste buds sake. Things have also been getting a bit more intense on the workout front. I like to do my cardio 'sans' gym because I prefer to take it outside in the fresh air, especially since it's been warming up. During the week I head to the gym in the evening and lift weights. It's great! It's been six years straight that I've been going since started back up after a few years off due to school and life. My trainer puts together my routines and lately their a little more intense. I definitley feel stronger, but my body is often very stiff and sore.

Decadent Chocolate Recovery Smoothie |

Truth is, this smoothie is decadent tasting but totally vamped with health benefits. It's exactly what I'm looking for after a hard workout of throwing weights around for an hour. Bye bye inflamed muscles. I've also tried this with coconut milk for a real treat. The coconut milk will help replace any electrolytes lost from sweating, so it's a win win situation. For anyone who is allergic to nut milks feel free to replace the almond/coconut milk with regular milk or your own preference.

Decadent Chocolate Recovery Smoothie |

Into the blender goes:

  • Frozen Banana and strawberries: to top up gycogen stores in your muscles and for thickness.
  • Nutmeg: for it's anit-inflammatory properties and it's flavour!
  • Cacao Powder: a rich source of antioxidants
  • Chocolate Protein Powder: to aid in the recovery of muscle and the building of new muscle.
  • Pure Vanilla: for taste of course.
  • Almond or Coconut Milk: to help replenish those lost electrolytes.

This smoothie is so simple but so good! Thick, rich, decadent, and guiltless.

Decadence + Recovery = Satisfaction.

Decadent Chocolate Recovery Smoothie

Decadent Chocolate Recovery Smoothie |

by Jennifer Trennum

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Keywords: blender beverage breakfast lunch smoothie gluten-free grain-free protein soy-free nutmeg strawberries protein powder North Coast Naturals

Ingredients (Serves 1)

  • 1 medium-sized banana (about 7-8" long), frozen
  • 2 -3 strawberries, fresh or frozen
  • 1 cup unsweetended almond milk or coconut milk
  • 1/2 scoop North Coast Naturals Chocolate 100% Iso-Protein
  • 2 tablespoon raw cacao powder, or unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Note: You can use your preferred choice of milk if allergic to nuts/almonds.


Place all ingredients in a blender and blend on high until smooth. Enjoy!

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The hardest part is remembering to freeze bananas the night before.

Bottoms up!